November 05, 2013

Happiness List

Ever just have a BAD day? The kind where everything just seems to go wrong, you can't seem to make anyone happy, things just break, and in my case you actually fall UP a flight of stairs as opposed to down them (like a normal human being )..... Ever have one of those days? Well, that was me yesterday and today seemed like it would be the same.

However, I decided to take some advice from my mother and count my blessings instead. 

I have wrote lists of what I was thankful for since I was a child but as an adult I find it getting harder and harder to do. Sometimes its just easier to feel sorry for yourself and wallow in self pity and blagh, blagh, blagh. So, this morning I decided it would be best to have a positive beginning and I began with my usual "I am thankful that ___?" and " I am blessed because___?" but today the list thing just wasn't working for me. I decided to switch things up a bit. Change can be good!

Sometimes all you need is a little visual reminder of happiness to remind you that there is so much to be thankful for...even if it feels like everything is crashing down around you. 

The beach has always been my happy place so I decided to go back there via Instagram and make a little "Happiness list" from the pictures, and so here is what I came up with today. Enjoy! 

 How can you be in a bad mood when you know this beauty exists? I know I cant. 

I'm in LOVE with flamingo's!

Conch stew for breakfast

You can ALWAYS find something to smile about

These are the pictures that helped turn my negative day into a positive one. Nothing fancy, just small Instagram shots.  I really think that today, using visual reminders of happiness worked better than my usual pen and paper " thankful" lists. 

What do you do to stay thankful and happy in hard times? I think I will make a regular habit of this and hope to share many more " Happiness Lists" with you. Until then, here's to being thankful for the small things even when we may not feel like it! 

Hope you all have a "happy" night!


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