September 27, 2013

Easy-peasy Vodka Margaritas

Have I mentioned I LOVE cocktail hour! Well I do. There's nothing like unwinding at the end of the day with a drinky poo (or two) with the hubs.
Now, I know its fall and all, but here in Texas, its still 90 something degrees out! Its only now getting to the point where you can COMFORTABLY sit out on a patio and watch the sunset, and when I think of patios I think of Margaritas!! Am I alone in this?
I love, love, love margaritas! So much so, that my Husband and I have been known to go on our own "margarita tours" around town. Sooo  fun! However, when we would rather stay home, on our own patio, we make our own version of the margarita, with one slight difference..... We use Vodka in place of the tequila. Why you may ask? Well....

1. Tequila makes me crazy....True story.
2. Tequila makes my husband crazy...Another true story
3. We would like to stay married while enjoying our margaritas
4. I LOVE vodka

Those are good reasons huh? So, here is our little recipe for Vodka margaritas....and psssst, Its SUPER easy!

Vodka Margaritas

12 oz. can of frozen limeade
12 oz. of your choice of vodka
6 oz. triple sec ( triple sec)
24 oz. water (give or take according to taste)
*optional: can add a 12oz. bottle of beer. We love Dos XX and Tecate the best!

Tip: Just use the empty limeade can for the measurements

Serves about 4, depending on the size of your glass of course. (wink, wink)

And there ya go! Easy-peasy. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do. Happy patio weather!


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